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    Original articles
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    FAN Haojie, CAI Keer, DENG Haowei, HOU Yuejiao, CHENG Xiang, ZHU Lingling, FAN Ming, WANG Duming, ZHAO Yongqi
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    Objective To explore the network structure of anxiety,depression and sleep among individuals under long-term high-altitude exposure. Methods A total of 303 subjects who had resided at high altitudes for more than 6 months on end were selected. The insomnia severity index (ISI),patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9),and generalized anxiety disorder scale (GAD-7) were employed to assess insomnia,depression and anxiety before network analysis was conducted to identify the central and bridge nodes in the symptom network. Results The incidence of moderate or severe depression,anxiety and insomnia were 38.9% [95% confidence interval (CI):33.4%-44.5%],23.1% (95%CI: 18.3%-27.9%),and 18.5% (95%CI:14.1%-22.9%),respectively. “Noticeability of sleep problems by others” had the highest expected influence centrality,followed by “sleep maintenance” “uncontrollable worry” “restlessness” and “sleep problems”. Five bridge symptoms were identified: “sad mood” “sleep problems” “restlessness” “feeling afraid” and “trouble relaxing”. Conclusion Sleep-related symptoms play a crucial role in the overall network structure,serving as both central and bridge nodes.Additionally,the “feeling down or depressed” acts as a bridge node and holds importance in the comorbidity network of anxiety and depression. Targeting these key symptoms through intervention and prevention strategies may improve the psychological well-being of individuals with long-term residence in high-altitude regions.
  • Original articles
    LEI Xin, LI Shen, WANG Yufei, XIA Wenlong, WU Yan, ZHAO Zhe, WU Haitao
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    Objective To evaluate the regulatory effects of psilocybin on social behavior of male C57BL/6J mice. Methods Adult male C57BL/6J mice were intraperitoneally injected with psilocybin (0.2, 1 and 5 mg/kg,i.p.), and the effects of psilocybin on prosocial behavior were evaluated by the three-chamber test. Stressed mice undergoing chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) were given acute intraperitoneal injection of psilocybin (1 mg/kg) to evaluate the moderation of social novelty preference behavior using the modified two-chamber test. Results Intraperitoneal injection of psilocybin (1 mg/kg) promoted prosocial behavior and prolonged social time (P<0.01), while intraperitoneal injection of psilocybin (0.2 mg/kg) had no apparent effect on the prosocial behavior of mice, and intraperitoneal injection of psilocybin (5 mg/kg) inhibited prosocial behavior before promoting it. Further studies showed that intraperitoneal injection of psilocybin (1 mg/kg) increased the social novelty exploration time in stressed mice undergoing CSDS. Conclusion This study shows that 1 mg/kg dose of psilocybin can promote the prosocial behavior in mice, and potentially ameliorate the deficit of social novelty preference behavior in CSDS mice.
  • Original articles
    CAO Wenbin, WANG Lin, SUI Xin, LUO Yuan, YANG Jun, WANG Yong′an
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    Objective To study the use of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) to open blood brain barrier (BBB) by affecting the physiological barrier function and promote the antidote drug asoxime (HI-6) to take effect in brain, providing a new research idea for the treatment of central nervous system organophosphorus poisoning. Methods The stability of the complex of PLA2-HI-6 was characterized through methods such as release and stability experiments. The cerebral delivery ability of the complex was evaluated through brain tissue FLU fluorescence pathology. The effect of PLA2 on cell membrane permeability was evaluated by observation with propidium iodide (PI) staining. The mouse model of soman poisoning was established to evaluate cerebral effects of the complex against soman central poisoning:(1)measuring the reactivation rate of mouse brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE);(2)observing pathological sections of mouse brain tissues; (3)calculating the survival time of mice in different groups. The safety of PLA2 was evaluated at both cellular and animal levels. Results Releasing and stability test results showed that the addition of PLA2 didn′t affect the release and degradation of HI-6. PLA2 helped FLU transport into brain tissues, demonstrating excellent central delivery capability. The complex of PLA2-HI-6 significantly increased the reactivation rate of AChE in the brain of poisoned mice to 50%, about 12 times higher than that treated by HI-6 alone. Pathological results of mouse brain tissue showed that the complex effectively counteracted the cerebral nervous system damage caused by organophosphorus poisoning, significantly prolonged the survival time of mice at three times the lethal dose, and significantly alleviated symptoms of central toxicity.Research on delivery mechanisms found that complex achieved central delivery by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane to crossing the cell. Safety tests at the cellular and animal levels showed that the dosage of PLA2 used in this study was safe and reliable, and did not cause any adverse reactions. Conclusion By using PLA2 as an open material, combined with the therapeutic drug of HI-6, a complexcapable of effectively penetrating the BBB was successfully constructed. This complex has a certain central targeting ability and significantly improves the reactivation rate of AChE in the brain after organophosphorus poisoning, whichprovides a referencefor solving the difficult problem of enzyme reactivation incentral nervous system organophosphorus poisoning.
  • Original articles
    WU Yunpeng, QIU Yefeng, TANG Yuling, SUN Tianqi, QIN Tongtong, ZHANG Rui, FA Yunzhi
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    Objective To construct recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase (rhBChE) knock-in goat fetal fibroblast cell lines (GFFs) by using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9(Cas9)-mediated homology-directed repair mechanism for subsequent production of goat expressing rhBChE. Methods The efficient sgRNA sites targeting goat β-casein (CSN2) gene were designed and screened, and the targeting efficiency of the sgRNA in goat mammary epithelial cells (GMECs) was confirmed by electro-transfection, flow sorting,and sequencing of PCR products. The red fluorescent reporter gene homology repair vector (P2A-mCherry) targeting the sgRNA was constructed, and then the integration and expression efficiency was detected by flow cytometry. The rhBChE homology repair vector (P2A-rhBChE) targeting the sgRNA of CSN2 gene was constructed in GFFs, the rhBChE positive cell clones were obtained via electro-transfection and flow sorting, and the rhBChE knock-in cell lines was identified by sequencing of PCR products. Results The sgRNA4 was identified as an efficient target of goat CSN2 gene, which could be also used for targeted integration of other genes. Three rhBChE knock-in cell lines were successfully constructed. Conclusion The rhBChE knock-in GFFs targeting goat CSN2 gene lays the foundation for the production of mammary bioreactors expressing rhBChE.
  • Original articles
    PENG Yanli, SU Kecao, LANG Yiming, XIE Zhongliang, LI Mingyue, ZHOU Xuetao, WANG Qingye, WANG Haizhen, YANG Xiao, YANG Guan, TENG Yan
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    Objective To generate and identify the Itgbl1(integrin beta-like) promoter-driven Cre knock-in mouse line. Methods Itgbl1-Cre knock-in mice were generated using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9(Cas9) gene editing. The Itgbl1-Cre mice were crossed with the Cre reporter ROSALSL-tdTomato mice to detect the expression profile of Cre activity. The tdTomato expression pattern across tissues and cell-specific markers were used to identify the cell types of Itgbl1-expressing cells and their progeny. Results and Conclusion tdTomato was specifically expressed in mucous acinar cells of the sublingual gland, pancreatic islet cells, and gastric endocrine cells. In addition, tdTomato expression was also found in some of the neurons of the retina and brain, as well as in a few cells in the serosal layer of the intestine, articular cartilage, periosteum, and bone marrow. The first Itgbl1-Cre recombinase transgenic mouse line was established, which can specifically label the mucous acinar cells of the sublingual gland.
  • Original articles
    LIU Mengyu, LIU Xinyi, ZENG Tao, CHEN Shunqi, LI Yuanfeng, ZHOU Gangqiao
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    Objective To investigate the effect of the mediator of DNA damage check point protein 1 (MDC1) on proliferation,migration,invasion,cell cycle and cell apoptosis in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) and the potential molecular mechanism. Methods The small interfering RNA (siRNA) specifically targeting MDC1 was used to transiently knock down MDC1. Recombined plasmid containing MDC1 was transiently transfected into RBE and Huh28 cells for overexpression of MDC1. Real time quantitative PCR (qPCR) and Western blotting were adopted to verify the effectiveness of MDC1 knockdown or overexpression. The proliferation of CCA cells was measured via CCK-8 and cell colony formation assays. Transwell and Invasion assays were used to detect cell migration and invasion while flow cytometry assays were employed to detect cell cycle and apoptosis. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was conducted to investigate the pathways which were significantly associated with MDC1,and the expression of p53 downstream protein was verified by Western blotting assay. Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assays were used to verify the interactions between MDC1 and p53. Flow cytometry and Western blotting assays were performed to find out whether MDC1 promoted cell cycle and cell apoptosis through p53 pathway. Based on The Cancer Genome Altas (TCGA) database,the difference in MDC1 expression levels between CCA and normal tissues was analyzed,and the correlations between the MDC1 expression levels and the clinical prognosis of CCA patients were investigated. Results Knockdown of MDC1 in RBE and Huh28 cells significantly inhibited cells proliferation,migration and invasion,significantly decreased the proportion of cells in S phase,and significantly increased the proportion of cells in G0/G1 phase and apoptosis rate while overexpression of MDC1 could significantly promote cell proliferation,migration and invasion,significantly increase the proportion of cells in S phase,and significantly decrease the proportion of cells in G0/G1 phase and apoptosis rate. It was found that MDC1 interacted with p53 in RBE and Huh28 cells,and MDC1 significantly down-regulated the expressions of p53,p-p53 (Ser-15),BAX,PUMA and p21,but significantly up-regulated the expression of Bcl-2,which in turn promoted the tumorigenesis of CCA. MDC1 was up-regulated in CCA tissues compared to the normal tissues,and the high expressions of MDC1 were significantly associated with poor clinical outcomes of CCA patients. Conclusion MDC1 promotes the development of CCA by suppressing the p53 pathway,and MDC1 may be a candidate marker for the poor prognosis in CCA.
  • Original articles
    SU Xian, WANG Bo, LI Dongdong, WANG Lei, QI Fengying, FU Qiuxia, YAN Shaoduo
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    Objective To investigate the impact of iron overload on apoptosis in primary mouse liver cells via a synchronous separation technology. Methods Hepatocyte (HC), liver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC), and Kupffer cell(KC) were isolated and purified with collagenase, percoll density gradient centrifugation,and CD146 magnetic beads. Cell types were identified using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining. Cells of different types were cultured in vitro, and an iron overload model was established by treating the mice with 0, 25, 50 and 100 μmol/L ferric ammonium citrate(FAC) for 24 h. The iron content was quantified using Prussian blue staining, while cell viability and mitochondrial membrane potential were assessed by flow cytometry. Results The synchronous separation technology of primary liver cells exhibited stable efficiency. The yield of HC was (4.0±0.5)×107 cells per mouse, exhibiting an effective survival rate of (76.33±0.67)%.The yield of LSEC was (5.0±1.0)×106 cells per mouse, with a survival rate of (93.63±0.25)% and a purity level of (93.40±0.46)%. The yield of KC was (1.5±0.5)×106 cells per mouse while a high survival rate of (98.33±0.12)% and a purity level of (88.30 ± 2.02)% were maintained.The obtained cells were large in number, with good vitality and high purity, which could meet the requirements of subsequent experiments. Treatment with FAC significantly elevated iron contents in different types of cells when compared with the control group. Upon stimulation of FAC, the survival rate of HC decreased from (73.97±5.54)% to (54.10±1.68)%, the mean fluorescence intensity of JC-1 aggregates decreased from 326.33±30.37 to 155.00±6.56, JC-1 monomer increased from 1700.00±144.04 to 3713.33±81.82. The survival rate of LSEC decreased from (90.60±1.74)% to (78.03±2.15)%, the mean fluorescence intensity of JC-1 aggregates decreased from 502.33±5.51 to 372.33±4.04, and JC-1 monomer increased from 750.00±67.51 to 1340.00±36.39. The survival rate of KC decreased from (94.23±1.44)% to (88.37±1.56)%, the mean fluorescence intensity of JC-1 aggregates decreased from 652.67±25.66 to 478.00±12.49, and JC-1 monomer increased from 1984.33±80.65 to 3062.33±245.20. Conclusion A robust and reliable simultaneous isolation technique of primary mouse HC, LSEC, and KC has been established. Moreover, our finding demonstrates that iron overload significantly enhances apoptosis levels in HC, LSEC and KC.
  • Original articles
    WANG Mingyu, CHEN Xiaojuan, MENG Huan, SHAO Liting, JIAO Yuanyuan, LI Wenqian, LI Ping, XING Yaling
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    Objective To discover the host factor interacting with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2)papain-like protease(PLpro)and explore the potential mechanism. Methods The second-generation proximity-dependent biotin identification(BioID2)approach combined with mass spectrometry analysis was used to search for the potential host factors. Immunofluorescence and co-immunoprecipitation(Co-IP)assay were used to verify the interactions between DEAD-box helicase 3(DDX3)and PLpro. The influence of PLpro on DDX3-inhibitor of kappa B kinase ε(IKKε)-TANK-binding kinase 1(TBK1) and DDX3-mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein(MAVS) complexes was also investigated by Co-IP. The effect of PLpro on interferon-β(IFN-β)immune pathway and the protease activity on substrates were studied via luciferase activity assay. Results DDX3 could co-locate and interact with PLpro intracellularly. PLpro might possibly inhibit both the formation of DDX3-MAVS complex and the interactions between DDX3-IKK-ε-TBK1. PLpro could negatively regulate type Ⅰ interferon pathway. Overexpression of DDX3 could lead to a significant increase in the cleavage activity of PLpro/PLP-TM that might be significantly decreased in case of inventions with DDX3 expressions. Conclusion DDX3 may be one of the host factors that interact with SARS-CoV-2 PLpro. PLpro negatively regulates IFN-β immune pathway induced by DDX3, which may provide a favorable immune environment for virus replication.
  • Original articles
    WANG Jiarong, LIANG Liyun, FAN Simiao, ZHANG Xuemin, LI Huiyan, HU Huaibin, SONG Zengqing
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    Objective To investigate the effects of menaquinone-4 (MK4) on the activation and function of CD8+ T cells. Methods An in vitro culture system for primary mouse CD8+ T cells was established by isolating these cells from the spleen using CD8a T cell isolation kit. The isolated CD8+ T cells were then incubated and activated in a 96-well plate coated with anti-CD3/CD28 antibodies. The impact of MK4 on the activation and cytokine secretion of CD8+ T cells was explored by quantifying the expression levels of CD8+ T cell activation receptors and cytokines using flow cytometry. Additionally, the concentrations of these cytokines in the culture supernatant were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The influence of MK4 on the anti-tumor function of CD8+ T cells was evaluated by co-culturing colorectal cancer MC38 cells of mice with CD8+ T cells at different ratios, and the effect of MK4 was assessed by detecting tumor cell apoptosis. Results High-purity primary CD8+ T cells of mice (97.5%) were isolated using the magnetic bead, which could be activated by pre-coated CD3/CD28 antibodies and showed proliferation. Compared with the control group, the MK4-treated group exhibited increased expressions of CD25, CD69 and CD44 on CD8+ T cells, as well as higher production and secretion levels of interleukin-2(IL-2), interferon-γ(IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and granzyme B. In addition, CD8+ T cells in the MK4-treated group induced a higher percentage of tumor cell apoptosis (36.7%) compared with the control group (29.1%). Conclusion MK4 can enhance the activation of CD8+ T cells and promote anti-tumor functions.
  • Original articles
    SHEN Yanyan, LIU Yanhong, HAN Qiuying, LI Ailing, XIA Qing, ZHANG Xuemin, ZHANG Weina
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    Objective To construct an NZB/W(F1) mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus and evaluate the effects of nicotinamide on each index of lupus nephritis pathogenesis of NZB/W(F1) mice in order to provide data for research on the role of nicotinamide in the treatment of lupus nephritis. Methods Female NZB/W(F1) mice were obtained by crossing male NZW mice with female NZB ones. Urine samples were collected using metabolic cages and proteinuria test strips were used to detect proteinuria. Blood samples were collected through the orbital venous plexus in mice. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect the level of anti-dsDNA antibody. Levels of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen and liver function indexes were detected using an automatic blood analyzer. Hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunofluorescence technique were used to detect the pathological state of the kidney. Results The levels of proteinuria, double-stranded DNA antibodies, serum creatinine, and urea nitrogen were gradually increased during the natural course of the disease in female NZB/W(F1) mice, indicating that the lupus nephritis disease model was constructed in female NZB/W(F1) mice. Compared to the control group, nicotinamide feeding could obviously decrease the level of proteinuria (P=0.0070), inhibit the production of double-stranded DNA antibodies (P=0.0325), and retard the progression of serum creatinine (P=0.0067) and urea nitrogen indexes (P=0.0166) in serum. In addition, the pathological state of the kidney in the nicotinamide feeding group was significantly alleviated compared with the control group. Conclusion A lupus nephritis disease model is constructed in NZB/W(F1) mice. Nicotinamide feeding can obviously alleviate the disease state of lupus nephritis in NZB/W (F1) mice.
  • Review
  • Review
    LAN Zishu, CHEN Tianjiao, LI Junwen, JIN Min, YANG Dong
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    Foodborne pathogens make much difference to food safety, and troops are also at risk of infection during military operations and daily lives, so there is an urgent need for highly sensitive and rapid detection technologies. In recent years, with the continuous development of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) technology, the CRISPR-Cas system with trans-cutting activity has received increasing attention. This paper outlines the basic principles of CRISPR-Cas12a-based detection technology and conventional signal readout technologies. It also analyzes the current status and developmentsof CRISPR-Cas12a in detecting foodborne pathogenic bacteria. The challenges to and prospects of this technology are also described.
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