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    Original articles
  • Original articles
    HE Lijuan, ZHOU Lijie, GE Yingwei, ZHANG Lingqiang
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    Objective To explore the characteristics and mechanism of phase separation between TAR DNA binding protein-43(TDP-43) and ubiquitin. Methods The TARDBP gene and its truncated genes were inserted into vectors to construct recombinant plasmids for expression and protein purification. The phase separation system of ubiquitin and TDP-43 was constructed in vitro. The characteristics of the droplets formed via liquid-liquid phase separation were observed by fluorescence microscopy. The plasmids of ubiquitin and TDP-43 were co-transfected into HEK293T cells to observe aggregates containing TDP-43 and ubiquitin and find out whether TDP-43 could be ubiquitinated. Results The GFP-8Ub,TDP-43 full-length (FL) and truncated proteins were purified. TDP-43 FL and C-terminal domain(CTD) proteins were able to form droplets via phase separation with ubiquitin. The droplets changed into solid-like aggregates after prolonged incubation. Insolvable aggregates containing TDP-43 and ubiquitin were formed. TDP-43 was ubiquitinated under stress conditions in HEK293T cells after being co-transfected with ubiquitin and TDP-43 recombinant plasmids. Conclusion TDP-43 undergoes co-phase separation with ubiquitin,mainly driven by the multivalent interaction between TDP-43′s CTD structural domain and ubiquitin. The droplets finally form aggregates with solid-like properties. Under stress conditions,especially when the protein homeostasis is disrupted,TDP-43 and ubiquitin form aggregates while TDP-43 is ubiquitinated. This study reveals the basic mechanism of TDP-43 co-phase separation with ubiquitin and liquid-solid transformation.
  • Original articles
    XIAO Bingkun, MIAO Xiaoyao, LI Zhiheng, ZHENG Xiaofei, HUANG Rongqing
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    Objective To investigate the characteristic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath and their diagnostic value in mice with early stage radiation injury. Methods The thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS) technique was used to analyze VOCs in exhaled breath of irradiated mice by 60Coγ-ray with 800 cGy. The characteristic VOCs in the early stage of radiation injury were identified, and a diagnostic model was established. Results The 30-day survival rate of mice was 4.2%. There were significant differences in characteristic VOCs at 7 hours after radiation injury, and thirty characteristic VOCs related to early-stage radiation injury were identified. The diagnostic value of differential metabolites in mice after irradiation was evaluated via the ROC curve, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of a single compound exceeded 0.8. The diagnostic model was constructed by screening 9 potential biomarkers of exhalation through Fisher discriminant analysis, and its sensitivity and specificity were close to 100%. Conclusion Analysis of VOCs in exhaled breath is expected to provide a non-invasive diagnostic method for early screening and diagnosis of radiation injury.
  • Original articles
    WANG Yuqing, ZHAO Xuelong, LIU Qi, DONG Guofu, WEI Yu, CHEN Ni, LIU Xiaoman, WANG Changzhen, ZHOU Hongmei
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    Objective To evaluate the characteristics of dose distribution of neuronal networks in vitro on microelectrode arrays(MEAs) under 2.6 GHz radiofrequency(RF) exposure. Methods The MEAs were coupled with a real-time RF exposure setup, and electromagnetic simulation software was used to calculate the RF dose absorbed in cultured neuronal networks. A fiber-optic temperature probe was used for experimental validation and monitoring of the cell temperature during RF exposure.The MEAs were used to record the electrical activity of neurons. Results For an input power of 1 W,a specific absorption rate (SAR)level of (15.51± 2.48) W/kg was calculated, and the variability of the SAR distribution was 16%. In our experimental system, the temperature elevation of neurons was up to 0.15 ℃ for an SAR of 4 W/kg RF exposure. Conclusion The exposure device can provide high SAR efficiency and uniformity in the 2.6 GHz band, which is suitable for studying the real-time effects of RF fields on the electrical activity of neuronal networks in the 5G network band.
  • Original articles
    WANG Lin, ZHANG Zaiqing, CHEN Fangzhou, WU Nier, ZHOU Dongsheng, HU Lingfei
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    Objective To establish an inhalation infection pneumonia model of C57BL/6J mice with highly virulent and multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) strain F291007, and to study the microbiological, pathological and immunological characteristics of this model. Methods The strain F291007 was isolated and identified before the bacterial suspension was administered to the mice via aerosolized intratracheal inoculation to establish the pneumonia infection model. In the course of infection, the conditions and survival of the mice were observed, and the bacterial loads, the histopathological states and the cytokine expression levels in the major organs were detected. Finally, three key cytokines were blocked to observe the survival of mice. Results The strain F291007 was isolated and identified. After lethal dose infection, all the mice died within 24 h. After sub-lethal dose infection, a large number of immune cells in the body were capable of phagocytosis and killing of invading pathogens, which was manifested as rapid clearance of bacteria in lungs and the exponential decrease of bacterial load with the passage of time. The pathological changes in lungs were most severe at 1 to 3 days but gradually recovered. After infection, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-17A and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) in alveolar lavage fluid and serum were significantly increased at 1 to 3 days. After blocking of these three cytokines with specific antibodies, the survival rates of infected mice decreased significantly. Conclusion A mouse model of gradually-recovered pneumonia infection caused by PA inhalation has been established, suggesting that the first one to three days are critical to immune response after infection through multiple indicators. This mouse model can be used for research on the pathogenesis, immunoregulation and treatment evaluation of highly virulent and multi-drug resistant PA inhalation pneumonia infection.
  • Original articles
    ZHANG Zaiqing, ZHOU Yuanyuan, HU Lingfei, JIN Xiuyu, ZHOU Dongsheng, GAO Bo, YANG Huiying
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    Objective To construct a non-trace deletion mutant of exlA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NY8755 (NY8755ΔexlA) and investigate the basic characteristics of pore-forming toxin ExlA. Methods The NY8755ΔexlA was constructed using the secondary homologous recombination method. C57BL/6J female mice ages 6 to 8 weeks were infected with NY8755 and NY8755ΔexlA via aerosolized intratraheal inoculation respectively. Within 7 days of infection,the survival and weight changes of the mice were observed and recorded before the proinflammatory cytokines in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF)of the infected mice in the two groups were detected. Results The sequencing results showed that NY8755ΔexlA was constructed. After 1× 107 CFU NY8755 and NY8755ΔexlA were infected,all the mice in the wild-type strain group died within 48 hours,while those in the mutant strain group began to die after 48 hours,and 40% of them remained alive 7 days later. The weight of surviving mice in the mutant strain group decreased but recovered gradually. After 12 hours of infection,there were more bloody exudates (redder in color) in the BALF of the wild-type strain group than in the mutant strain group,and the contents of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-17A(IL-17A) were significantly different. Conclusion Pseudomonas aeruginosa pore-forming toxin ExlA is the key pathogenic virulence factor of the exlA-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa,which can significantly affect the survival status of mice and cause obvious inflammation in mice. Very little information is available on the action mechanisms of ExlA. In this study,The NY8755ΔexlA and the C57BL/6J mouse models infected with NY8755 and NY8755ΔexlA have been constructed that may be used for the investigation of pathogenesis of exlA-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Original articles
    YU Changle, FU Wenliang, XING Weiwei, XU Donggang
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    Objective To establish an auxiliary method for diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury based on serum GFAP rapid detection test strips using immunochromatographic technology labeled with quantum dot microspheres. Methods The quantum dot microspheres were coupled with GFAP antibodies.The detection conditions were optimized to obtain the fluorescence probe in order to prepare the immunochromatographic test strips. An auxiliary diagnostic method was established after optimization of detection conditions. Finally, the auxiliary diagnostic effect of the test strips was evaluated using clinical samples. Results The serum concentration of GFAP could be detected by the optimized test strips within 13 mins with a detection limit of 0.15 ng/mL, and no more than 70 μL of the serum sample was required. In addition, good reproducibility was achieved by different batches of test strips (CV=10.7%). The detection sensitivity and specificity of the strips to mild traumatic brain injury using 51 clinical samples were 95.24% and 96.67% respectively, indicating good effects of detection. Conclusion The developed test strips are user-friendly with reliable results, which can facilitate field rapid diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury in complicated wartime environments.
  • Original articles
    XIA Wenlong, WU Yan, ZHAO Zhe, FAN Ming, WU Haitao
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    Objective To build a neural network based on the Unet infrastructure for recognition and segmentation of two-dimensional calcium imaging fluorescence images. Methods The in vivo miniaturized two-photon microscope (mTPM) was used for brain calcium imaging in freely moving mice. The imaging data was motion corrected using the NoRMCorre algorithm and processed using ImageJ software to obtain the original images after correction, and the labels were produced using the Labelme software. The neural network HDCGUnet was built using the original images and labels for training, and optimized to improve the model structure according to the training effect. Finally, the evaluation indexes were selected and compared with those of other models to verify the utility of this model. Results The HDCGUnet model, which was collected and made on our own, performed best in the two-photon calcium imaging dataset compared to other models, and performed well on the BBBC dataset either. Conclusion The HDCGUnet model provides a novel alternative for the recognition and segmentation of two-photon calcium imaging images.
  • Original articles
    LI Fengan, QIN Yu, SHI Tianyao, ZHOU Wenxia
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    Objective To investigate the protective effects and underlying mechanisms of Liuwei Dihuang Glucoside (LW-AFC) against fear sensitization induced by traumatic stress. Methods Mice were divided into naive, control, stressed and LW-AFC administration groups. The LW-AFC treated group received LW-AFC (1.6 g/kg daily) via oral gavage for two weeks following exposure to traumatic stress. The non-associative memory dependent fear sensitization responses in mice subjected to trauma were investigated, including behavior in novel environments, social interaction, and observational fear tests. Z-score normalization method was employed to integrate and assess multiple behavioral variables such as travel distance, freezing time, and corner time, and comprehensively examined fear sensitization behaviors across the groups. Additionally, serum concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticosterone, aldosterone, renin, angiotensin Ⅱ, and aldosterone were measured using ELISA. Results Compared to the control group, stressed mice exhibited significantly reduced travel distance (P< 0.0001) and increased freezing time (P< 0.0001) in the new context test. Integrated Z-scores indicated a significant increase in fear behavior among stressed mice during the new context test (P< 0.0001). In the social interaction test, stressed mice demonstrated significantly reduced travel distance (P< 0.0001), increased freezing time (P< 0.0001), increased corner time (P< 0.05), and higher integrated Z-scores (P< 0.0001). In the observational fear test, stressed mice showed significantly reduced travel distance (P< 0.05), increased freezing time (P< 0.001), increased corner time (P< 0.05), and higher integrated Z-scores (P< 0.0001). Compared to the stressed group, mice in the LW-AFC treated group displayed trends toward improvement in travel distance, freezing time, corner time, and integrated Z-scores in the new context tests, albeit without statistical significance. In the social interaction test, the LW-AFC treated group exhibited a significant reduction in freezing time (P< 0.05) and integrated Z-scores (P< 0.05). In the observational fear test, the LW-AFC treated group showed a significant reduction in freezing time (P< 0.05) and integrated Z-scores (P< 0.01). Compared to the naive group, control and stressed groups exhibited an increased trend in renin and aldosterone levels after the fear sensitization test. Although there were no significant differences between stressed and control groups, renin and aldosterone levels significantly increased between stressed and naive groups (P< 0.05, P< 0.05). Following LW-AFC treatment, serum renin levels showed no significant change, while aldosterone levels significantly decreased (P< 0.05). Conclusion Stressed mice exhibited significant fear sensitization behavior in new context, social interaction, and observational fear tests, possibly associated with partial activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) system. LW-AFC treatment significantly mitigated fear sensitization behavior of stressed mice in social interaction and observational fear test, potentially due to its regulatory effects on the RAAS system in mice subjected to traumatic stress.
  • Original articles
    QIU Qi, SU Weihua, WEN Xi, WANG Junjie, LI Xiaoyu
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    Objective To design a search and rescue UAV that is portable and user-friendly in order to meet the needs of rescue personnel on the battlefield. Methods Three-dimensional design software CATIA was used to complete the structural design of the UAV body. In order to make full use of the internal space of the UAV body, folding wings were adopted to reduce the volume of the UAV.By using ABAQUS, the finite elements of the key parts of the UAV were analyzed before the modal analysis of the whole vehicle was conducted to verify the reliability of the structure. The robot simulation software Webots was used for motion simulation of the UAV. Results Simulation analysis and test verification suggested that the structural design of the UAV was well-grounded. It could be quickly and properly deployed by means of hand launch or barrels, which made it easier for rescuers to use the UAV. Conclusion The design and simulation research of UAVs with portable folding wings for search and rescue is of great significance for the research and development of physical prototypes. This study is expected to stimulate new ideas for the development of rescue equipment in the PLA, and contribute to miniaturization of UAVs.
  • Reviews
  • Reviews
    SONG Mingxiao, FAN Lijun, CHEN Xuewei, MA Libin, CAO Jiangbei, WANG Jing
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    The accumulation of fatigue during military operations may lead to decreased operational efficiency and non-combat attrition, which can impact combat effectiveness.On-site monitoring and evaluation of fatigue during military operations,as an important means to keep track of military operations and bring about quick changes in training, underlie the combat effectiveness of military personnel. Focusing on the on-site monitoring and evaluation methods of fatigue during military operations, this paper reviews the determinants of such fatigue as well as on-site monitoring and comprehensive evaluation methods so as to provide reference for accurate and efficient evaluation of fatigue during military operations and for early warning of such fatigue.
  • Reviews
    LIU Heli, JIANG Huihui, WU Haitao
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    The important role of liquid-liquid phase separation in a series of biological processes, including regulation of gene transcription and translation, stress response, autophagy and the establishment of synaptic structure, has been widely accepted. Abnormal phase separation is associated with many human diseases, including neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Studies have shown that some proteins associated with epigenetic modifications are also subject to liquid-liquid phase separation, suggesting that epigenetic modifications regulate the development and disease of the nervous system by regulating phase separation. This review summarized the important roles of epigenetic modification and phase separation in neurodevelopment and neurodiseases, and focused on the important roles of proteins related to epigenetic modification with phase separation characteristics. Understanding the correlation between epigenetic modification and phase separation will help fully understand the underlying mechanisms of neurodevelopment and neurodiseases, and will further provide new targets and strategies for the treatment of related diseases.
  • Reviews
    LIU Wenjia, LIU Xiaofeng, WANG Bo, CUI Shujie
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    Fatigue-related traffic accidents and fatalities have been extensively studied by scholars globally. Specialized vehicles, due to their unique mission profiles, are more likely to cause driving-related fatigue and serious consequences. This paper reviews the current research of fatigue driving by using an inductive analysis method to summarize the mechanisms, risk factors, and monitoring methods. This paper also offers a vision of priorities and methodologies for research in the future. It is recommended that the mechanisms of driving fatigue be explored at the molecular biological level and that fatigue monitoring systems be made more feasible via the combined application of non-intrusive monitoring in order to reduce the toll on life and property taken by driving fatigue.
  • Short report
  • Short report
    GUI Xinru, PENG Jian, XIAN Feng, ZHANG Xian, ZHANG Feng, SHI Yuhong, WANG Rui
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