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    HU Junjie, ZHU Yingwen, FU Bo, WANG Jing, WANG Fenghan, SONG Mingxiao, CUI Bo
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    Objective To find out about the physical environments of operations and the sleep rhythms of soldiers who work for a long period of time in order to improve efficiency and related technology. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the determinants of comfort and needs of soldiers for protection in different periods of operations. The physical environment condition of long-term working equipment was evaluated by using parameters of noise, temperature, humidity and illumination. The Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ) and temperature monitoring were used to investigate the sleep rhythms of soldiers. Results The factors such as equipment noise, confined spaces, and shift work have the most significant impacts on the personnel comfort during military operations. The ambient noise intensity of the equipment in each cabin during long-term operations was 50.0-72.5 dB(A), and the spectrum range was mainly low-frequency noise below 200 Hz. The ambient temperature was 22.2-36.0℃, relative humidity was 42.6-73.3% and illumination was 3.6-1092 lx. The mean value of social jetlag was (1.56±2.39) h. During the early stage of operations, the body temperature of soldiers showed obvious sleep rhythms, which decreased during the middle stage and tended to disappear during the late stage. Conclusion The sleep rhythm of these soldiers is disrupted during the middle stage and aggravates with the extension of the operations. Adverse physical environments such as high intensity noise may be an important influencing factor.
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    DONG Lili, SUN Yanhui, LIU Aihong, ZHANG Wendan, YU Renwen, JIAO Juan, CHEN Ruxue, LIU Change
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    Objective To investigate the nutritional status of soldiers and changes during military training in the desert of northern China in order to provide evidence for proper diets, improve the overall nutritional level of soldiers and keep them healthy. Methods A total of 36 young and middle-aged technical soldiers who were trained in the desert in northern China were selected as the subjects. A diet survey and medical physical examination were conducted for six consecutive days before and after the training. The dietary nutrition and physical condition of these soldiers were investigated using the GJB1636A—2016 weighing method and physical examination method. Dietary quality was evaluated according to GJB826B—2010 and GJB823B—2016. The standard attached to the grip apparatus was used to evaluate grip strength. Fasting whole blood of the subjects was collected for detection of blood indexes. Results During military training in the desert of northern China, the intakes of grains, poultry meat, fish and shrimp, milk, sucrose, vegetable oil and edible fungi were inadequate while the intakes of livestock meat, poultry eggs and fruits were excessive. There were no intakes of soybeans or dried vegetables at all. After military training, physical examinations showed no significant changes in their body weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio or left/right hand grip strength. Blood indexes showed that triglyceride, total protein, chlorine, blood glucose, hemoglobin, erythrocytes and PCV increased significantly after training, while the other indexes did not. The level of 25-vitamin D3 in serum also increased significantly after training. Conclusion The main problem with nutritional status of soldiers in the desert of northern China is unbalanced intake of nutrients, which is caused by irrational dietary structure and undesirable eating habits. It is recommended that nutrition and health intervention be carried out to improve the nutritional level of these troops.
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    ZU Mian, ZHANG Yin
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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complicated psychiatric disorder that results from exposure to a series of events, with anxiety or depression as the main manifestations, which is prevalent among veterans who used to be deployed. In recent years, the continuous military deployment has induced a persistent mental health crisis in U.S. service members as well as veterans. Such mental disorders as PTSD have kept the rate of suicide rising faster than the war has. The US military attaches great importance to research on PTSD in order to reduce its adverse effect on combat readiness while improving the ability of military personnel to cope with future conflicts. This article reviews the epidemiology and diagnostic criteria of PTSD in the US military. The medical countermeasures for and research progress of PTSD in the US Armed Forces are summarized from the perspective of pharmacologic prevention, cognitive behavioral therapies, other psychological interventions and potential innovative therapies. Some of the key training programs carried out by the US Armed Forces are listed and analyzed as well. This article is expected to provide useful reference for related research in China.
  • Original articles
    ZHANG Xiangye, XING Meining, LI Zicang, YING Wantao
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    Objective To establish a method to identify novel adductive groups and their substrates upon exposure to OP. Methods Tandem mass spectrometry analysis and open search tools were employed to reveal the adducts of OP in human serum albumin (HSA). Results Based on tandem mass spectrometry analysis, a new method was developed to study the structure and sites of novel adducts formed due to the exposure to OP, which could identify cysteine (C) as the new addition site of OP and their hydrolysis products using the open search strategy. A mass shift of 127.1370 that corresponded to a diagnostic ion in the MS-MS of m/z=128.1439 was observed. Conclusion This study has established a general strategy for identifying the structures and addition sites of novel OP-HSA adducts, which may be used to advance our understanding of the molecular processes behind acute and long-term harmful effects of OP.
  • Original articles
    SHEN Yezhuang, LIU Ran, YIN Xiaoyao, HU Mandong, ZHANG Yawei, HE Kun, ZHOU Tao, LI Weihua, XIE Xianxing
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    Objective To establish a detection technology system that combines multiplex PCR and nanopore sequencing to meet the needs of on-site rapid detection and identification of respiratory viruses. Methods Specific primers were designed to amplify respiratory viruses before PCR amplification conditions were optimized and a rapid sequencing system was established, followed by analysis of the data and evaluation of pathogen detection sensitivity. Results The optimized multiplex PCR amplification conditions included an annealing temperature of 55℃ and primer concentration of 0.1 μmol/L. Using this system, 25 respiratory viruses could be detected simultaneously. The detection sensitivity reached 1×104 copies/ml, and detection generally took less than 4 h. Conclusion This detection method is simple and fast, and capable of obtaining sequence information of amplified fragments in real time with a specificity and sensitivity. It is likely to provide strong technical support for the rapid screening, on-site detection, and identification of respiratory pathogens.
  • Original articles
    LUO Nan, WANG Xin, MENG Renjie, WANG Boqian, JIN Yuan, YUE Junjie, HU Mingda, CHEN Wei, REN Hongguang
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    Objective To investigate the host distribution of influenza A virus and quantitatively analyze its expansion across multiple host species. Methods The whole genome data of influenza A virus was downloaded from the public database. The characteristics of coding sequences were extracted and analyzed. The host distribution and evolution of influenza viruses were examined using natural clustering results. A method for quantifying the expansion dynamics among multiple hosts, known as host profile entropy calculation, was established. Machine learning techniques were employed to validate the results of analysis. Results H3N2 influenza viruses exhibited clear boundaries in host distributions, with the lowest host profile entropy. Conversely, H9N2 influenza viruses demonstrated mixed host distributions, with high sequence similarity between strains from different hosts and the highest host profile entropy. The host profile entropy of different subtypes of influenza A viruses were closely related to their multi-host expansion trends. Conclusion Under the influence of expansion environments and selection pressures, different influenza viruses exhibit distinct trends of evolution and expansion dynamics among multiple hosts. H3N2 influenza viruses, which are more adapted to human hosts, demonstrate a more orderly expansion dynamic among multiple hosts. On the other hand, avian influenza viruses such as H7N9 and H9N2, which frequently undergo cross-species expansion, display more chaotic expansion dynamics among multiple hosts and greater evolutionary diversity. Host profile entropy is an efficient computational method for assessing the orderly expansion dynamics and evolutionary trends of influenza viruses among multiple hosts. This method can help advance our understanding of the evolution and multi-host dynamics of influenza viruses and assess expansion risks, thus providing new perspectives for surveillance and early warning systems of influenza viruses.
  • Original articles
    LU Haitao, MAI Jierui, CAO Yiming, SANG Ye, MIAO Mingsan, YANG Jing
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    Objective To prepare glycyrrhetinic acid-lipid nanoparticles (GA-LNPs)and evaluate their potential as mRNA delivery vectors. Methods Firstly, organic phase solution based on glycyrrhetinic acid was prepared beforethe reporter gene mRNA was encapsulated by the microfluidic nano drug synthesizer to form GA-LNP/mRNA complexes. The particle size, Zeta potential, polydispersity (PDI), and stability of the complexes were measured,whose morphology was photographed with the transmission electron microscope(TEM). The in vitro and in vivo delivery of GA-LNP was verified by cell transfection and in vivo imaging of mice. By delivering G-CSF mRNA, the properties, decay time, and safety of delivery vectors were explored so that these vectors were comprehensively evaluated. Results The average particle size of GA-LNPs/eGFP mRNA complexes and GA-LNPs/G-CSF mRNA complexes was (96±2.1) nm and (85.2±2.1) nm, respectively, and the average potential was (11.6±1.6)mV and (6.4±2.9)mV, respectively. Their shapes were uniform and spherical. The GA-LNPs were capable of efficiently delivering reporter gene mRNA and G-CSF mRNA in cells and animals. The concentration of G-CSF protein expressed in vivo remained higher than the normal value for over four days, and no significant changes in mouse biochemical indexes or pathological sections were observed. The inflammatory effect was weaker than that of LNP complexes. Conclusion Using glycyrrhetinic acid, a novel type of lipid nanoparticle has been prepared, which can efficiently deliver mRNA. GA-LNP/mRNA complexes are highly stable and safe, which can provide a new perspective on the preparation of cholesterol-free mRNA delivery vectors.
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    XU Haifeng, LI Xuemeng, JI Weizhong, ZHAO Dongsheng
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    Objective To analyze the risk factors of stroke in medium-altitude areas of China in recent years and provide reference for more targeted prevention and control of stroke. Methods Based on the data from screening and intervention projects for high-risk groups of stroke between 2017 and 2020, Lanzhou and Xining were selected as the two medium-altitude cities to analyze the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Single factor analysis was used to analyze the risk factors in the two cities.All related factors (such as gender, age, education levels, disease history and lifestyles)were included in multiple logistic regression analysis. Results In recent years, the incidence of stroke in medium-altitude areas was relatively low. The results of single and multiple factor analysis showed that the risk factors included hypertension, diabetes, blood lipids, atrial fibrillation, TIA, smoking and lack of exercise (P<0.001). However, altitude was a protective factor for stroke (P=0.01). Conclusion The incidence of stroke in medium-altitude areas is comparatively low. In addition to traditional risk factors, lifestyles such as exercise may have an impact on the incidence of stroke in western plateau areas.
  • Original articles
    SONG Wenjing, YE Qinggui, JIANG Xue
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    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of micro-flow imaging (MFI) in splenic trauma. Methods Fifteen Bama miniature pigs were selected to establish splenic trauma models. Their spleens were examined using conventional ultrasound, MFI and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) by two ultrasound doctors. The diagnostic sensitivities of the three ultrasound techniques were compared. Results A total of 40 splenic trauma lesions were established and confirmed by gross specimen manifestations. The diagnostic sensitivities of MFI, conventional ultrasound and CEUS calculated by the first doctor were 87.5%, 50.0% and 95.0%, respectively, compared with 85.0%, 40.0% and 97.5%, respectively, by the second doctor. The differences in diagnostic sensitivity between the three ultrasound techniques were statistically significant (doctor 1, ??2=39.330, P<0.001; doctor 2, ??2=48.169, P<0.001). MFI was characterized by no obvious blood flow signals detected in the injured area, or scattered blood flow signals moving outward in the injured area. The diagnostic sensitivity of MFI was not significantly different from that of CEUS (P>0.05) but higher than that of conventional ultrasound (P<0.05). The inter-observer agreement of MFI and CEUS was moderate (MFI, Kappa=0.684; CEUS, Kappa=0.655), which was superior to that of conventional ultrasound (Kappa=0.500). Conclusion MFI has advantages over conventional ultrasound in the diagnosis of splenic trauma, and is feasible in the clinical treatment of abdominal trauma.
  • Original articles
    LI Yinhong, LU Shiyang, SUN Yiwen, ZHU Zhihua, LI Lijuan, XIN Chunlin
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    Objective To studythe key impact indicators for unsafe behavior among biotechnologists engaged in research and development of biotechnology in order to provide data for the prevention and management of unsafe behavior among professionals of biotechnology. Methods By searching domestic and foreign databases, the known cases of accidentscaused by unsafe behavior of biotechnologists around the world were analyzed before the evaluation index systemfor unsafe behavior of biotechnologists was constructed. The Delphi method was adoptedfor expert consultation related to the index system. Game theory was used to combine the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method to determine the comprehensive weight of indicators. Finally, the key indicators for the unsafe behavior of biotechnologists were obtained. Results The evaluation index system for unsafe behavior of biotechnologists was constructed. There were 5 first-level indicators, 13 second-level ones and 38 third-level ones. The results showed that the operation procedures (14.20%), quality of protective equipment (8.71%), knowledge and skills (7.89%), person-post matching (6.68%), and training effect (6.62%) were the key factors affecting the unsafe behavior of biotechnologists. Conclusion The use of combination weight can minimize the weaknesses of the single method and make the result of weighting as close to the actual result as possible.
  • Reviews
  • Reviews
    CHEN Liying, WANG Kai, BAI Ying, WANG Liqin
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    Hypoxic preconditioning has received more attention as a unique endogenous protective phenomenon in organisms. The research on the mechanism of protective effects of hypoxic preconditioning involves such classic biological pathways as enzymes, reactive oxygen species, receptors, neurotransmitters, anti apoptotic substances, and ion channels that have been confirmed. The roles of hypoxic preconditioning in the protection of important organ diseases that range from ischemia to hypoxia have been increasingly discovered and verified, especially the potential protective value of hypoxic preconditioning strategies in special military environments such as high altitude, high mountains, aviation, aerospace, and diving in recent years. This article explores the applicability of hypoxic preconditioning in the military in terms of concepts and mechanisms, applications and prospects of development. The actual problems facing the popularization of technology and applications are identified in order to promote the use of hypoxic preconditioning as a magic weapon for the maintenance and improvement of our military's operational efficiency.
  • Reviews
    ZHAO Wenyu, GE Changhui, WU Yongge
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    Non-structural protein(NSP) appears in host cells earlier than viral RNA during SARS-CoV-2 infections. NSP forms replication and transcription complexes before SARS-CoV-2 finishes normal viral replication in host cells based on these complexes. This article reviews the structure, biological function and advances in drug research of NSP16, which appears in the early stage of SARS-CoV-2 infection and play a significant role in viral RNA formation. This article is expected to provide new ideas for prevention and treatment of diseases caused by SARS-CoV-2.
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